Saturday, May 5, 2007

VGimlet's Childhood Cats

I am the only one who had cats as a child.
We only had two, because frankly, my mom didn't like cats. I adored cats. So did my dad.
Actually, my mom claimed she liked them, but they made her nervous, and she didn't want them to touch her or bother her. She was a little afraid of them after a childhood incident involving a cat that licked her legs and hurt her sensitive skin.
Puddy Tat

I am not sure how Puddy Tat came into the family. I think she was my brother's cat, but clearly here she is in the house we moved to after I was born, so Puddy counts as one of my cats. Even if I have absolutely no memory of her.

She would sit up and beg for a treat, or for her food. She was, apparently, a very smart cat.

Unfortunately, she always ran up to greet people when they arrived home in the car, and one sad day my dad ran over her.

Keep in mind, this was 1962. There were no emergency veterinarians. Most people didn't take small pets to a vet at all. Puddy was alive, and in pain. My dad killed her with a shovel.
My brother still talks about it 40 years later. Probably I would have too. My dad always felt bad about her death, I think. He always spoke of her fondly.

Even though he had a mean streak, I think on that occasion he was just doing what he felt had to be done to put her out of her misery.

Kiki was my cat. My parent's allowed me to get her because
they felt I was having a hard time adjusting to my sister being
Kiki was my cat, another calico. I picked her over many very
lovely cats at the Humane Society. She had to sleep in the
garage. Her litter box was there, too.
Unfortunately, my parents didn't realize a young cat like Kiki would
be so playful. She stalked my still toddling sister, and actually
scratched her! She could have scratched her eye out! Unfortunately, Kiki also had gotten pregnant. So, back she went to the Humane Society. I always hope that she, too ended up in a good home. Once again, I cried and cried.
Other Cats
The only other cat I tried to get when I lived at home was a solid grey cat with extra toes that The Saint's neighbor had. He was darling. I took him home, but my mom went in her bedroom and had hysterics until my dad came home and told me to take him back. I think Ken and I were planning on getting married in six months or so - but my mom didn't want any cats in the house. The neighbors ended up keeping the kitten, and they liked the name I gave him so much, they kept my name, too. I wish I could remember what it was.
I also love cats. I am a cat talker. I will talk to cats, and they "talk" back to me. I befriended all my friends cats - even the crazy ones.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Our Cat Blog

Since we're doing a dog blog, I thought it only fair that we should also devote a blog to the other prominent members of our household, the cats.
Between us, TS and I only had one cat as kids.
My mom hated cats, and TS's family was more of a dog family, until we got our "Wedding Cats" Mischa and Shaun.